There are times in life when the world gains a shade of red and everyone seems out to get you. Few of those times are worse than being in the middle of a divorce. If people would just be honest about their problems, maybe it would be bearable. But, it’s the vicious backstabbing and fact clouding which makes your heart feel like it is perpetually smoldering.
I had the honor of hearing directly from a certain Dominic here in Santa Ana about how he eventually was able to pour healing water on the embers of his own messy divorce case.
“I never imagined it could be that bad,” said Dominic over a cup of coffee. “You know, when you get married, divorce is the furthest thing from your mind. I never thought that my wife could go as low as she did. If it weren’t for Shuff Law, I would be curled up in a hole somewhere right now in despair.”
When I asked how he came by the Shuff Law Firm, he said that it was a stroke of providence. He wasn’t aware of any divorce and family law firms in Orange County, and who would be? No one gets married with a divorce lawyer in mind. He took a chance with Shuff and was not disappointed at all.
“My wife made it hard from the start,” he said. “She was in the house while I had to find a cheap apartment to live in while the case worked itself out. A mutual friend of ours actually suggested a couple of lawyers to me. It turns out, my wife had already been to see them both. She had told them just enough of her side of the story without hiring them that they weren’t open to helping me. Since that freed me to go with Shuff Law, she actually did me a favor.”
Dominic had two young kids who he was fighting for custody as part of the divorce. Numerous times in our conversation, he mentioned how afraid he had been that his kids would be taken away. He knew that his wife was manipulative and emotionally abusive, but he had no idea how to prove that in court. Besides, the woman almost always wins custody.
Continuing to relate his story, Dominic said, “Joe saved my sanity. Even from the start, he assured me that the truth would prevail. My wife may have manipulated me in the past, getting me into debt that I never wanted, and… well, I won’t dwell on all that. Joe assured me that with him on my team, she would not be able to manipulate the court.”
“How were the meetings with Shuff Law?” I asked.
Dominic actually laughed. It was the sort of laugh of someone who is amazed that they are still amazed by something weeks or months after the fact. “Joe’s brilliant! He helped me dig up emails, texts, and all sorts of other evidence that I had forgotten ever existed. It’s as if he knew my life better than I did. He had this uncanny intuition of where I should look for things. I guess he’s been doing this a long time.”
“How’d things turn out?” I asked.
“I was crying for weeks,” he replied. I must have looked concerned, because he quickly added, “Tears of joy. They were tears of joy. I got custody of the kids. I thought I’d never be a happy man again. I’m so glad that I was wrong and Joe was right.”
Dominic encouraged me to recommend the Shuff law firm to everyone I know. He said that Joe was the best divorce attorney Santa Ana had to offer.
Having heard Joe’s story, I’m inclined to agree. A man who can triumph over deception and defend truth and innocence is a hero in my book.
Shuff Law Firm
2107 N Broadway #301, Santa Ana, CA 92706
(714) 834-0175