Hiring A Contractor? Have Some Healthy Skepticism

How should you proceed once you have decided to remodel your home? Most people decide to hire a professional, rather than doing the renovations themselves. If you are one thinking about hiring a contractor, this article is for you. We wanted to discuss a couple of important considerations.

Finding the right contractor can be the trickiest part of any project. For any homeowner, it can be extremely nerve-wracking to give someone the responsibility of transforming your home. Whether it is a demolition or installation, homeowners want their homes to be renovated in good hands.

As most readers of this website already know, we are written by skeptics, for skeptics. We’ve all heard about home renovation disasters and contractors from hell. This is why we are fans of skepticism: a healthy dose can save you a lot of trouble! The right contractor can make your dream home come true, and the wrong one can leave your home as an unfinished construction site.

You should always start with a vision and specific plan. Do not rely on your contractor as a design consultant, as this can lead to several problems. Even if your contractor has experience and knows exactly what they are doing, you should clearly communicate the ideas you have in mind.

If you are renovating your house as a couple or with other people living in the same house, be sure to discuss everything beforehand. Your contractor certainly won’t have the qualifications to act as a marriage counsellor, should any disagreements arise.

Neighbours, coworkers, and your local home improvement store may be the best place to ask for referrals. It is best to collect several referrals and interview each one. This is your opportunity to interview them thoroughly, which will help you understand the requirements of your project. Be sure to ask for a quote at the end, so that you can compare the costs of time, deliverables, and materials.

You should also never rely on benefit of the doubt, whether it is before or during the renovation. If something does not look or sound right, be sure to ask your contractor to stop and provide you with the information you need in order to feel good about proceeding. If you still do not feel like you are ready to make an informed decision, you can call a friend or do some online research about the topic in question.

For most homeowners, the first remodel is the kitchen. If you are planning a kitchen remodel and are looking to hire a contractor based in Orange County, we highly recommend Inspired Remodels. They are Yelp verified and have received stellar ratings and reviews, including this one: “So, what everyone else is saying here on Yelp is certainly true – Inspired Remodels is the real deal, and if you’re looking to hire a trustworthy contractor to make your vision a reality, there’s no need to look any further.” If you have planned out your next renovation and are ready to start speaking to potential contractors for hire, give Inspired Remodels a call to inquire about their team and services.

Inspired Remodels
1098 Bake Pkwy Ste 100 Lake Forest, CA 92630

The Root Of The Mystery

On bright spring morning, Detective Holmes stepped out of his home office for a breather outside. He couldn’t help but notice that his lawn looked terrible. The grass was patchy and a dull shade of green. Then, he looked up across the street, and noticed that every lawn in his neighbourhood looked the same. What a sore sight! He sighed. He had spent quite a fortune on maintaining his lawn, and wondered what it had all been for. In fact, what what was the point of anything? He took a deep breath. He had tendency to question every thought with an existential philosophy. He was a deep thinker who had experienced and witnessed much, perhaps too much, in life, and wanted to understanding the meaning of it all.

Holmes went back inside. As he sat down and began to ponder the great existential question of human existence, he paused. He glanced at his book shelf, his cat, and his tea pot. It was beautiful, and he came to the realization that perhaps the meaning of life was to simply enjoy all of the beauty of it. He sighed a long and deep sigh, coming to terms with a long-forgotten sense of inner peace.

But then he remembered what he saw that morning. “Grrr!” he exasperated. “What is the matter?” Holmes was determined to get to the bottom of the mystery of the sad grass. He sat back in his chair. He was a smart man who knew better than to look at situations from their mere surface. He leapt out of his chair, ran to his shed, and grabbed this shovel. Holmes found himself digging for answers as he shovelled through the soil of his front lawn.

Stack of Gray Stones

“Aha!!” he exclaimed. He was glad he found the answer, but frustrated that this meant that he had been spending a fortune on grass that was in no healthy condition to grow. What he found from his digging was that the soil and clay composition of the ground simply wasn’t the best for growing lush green grass. Holmes ran back to his shed, threw his shovel inside, and raced back into his office. “I will find an alternative!” he shouted to himself. He was the type of man who was relentless and always focused on finding a solution.

He figured real grass was no longer physically viable, nor was it a cost-friendly option. Holmes conducted some further investigation and discovered that artificial grass had become increasingly popular over the years in Orange County. However, the man was a skeptic and did not trust popular opinion. He had to discover the truth on his own and see it with his own eyes.

With some more research and reading online reviews, he stumbled across NoMow Turf, an artificial turf installation company that happened to be based in Orange County. He looked carefully at each photo on the site, and while he was normally a hard man to impress, Holmes was dazzled. He gave them a call and had his new lawn installed the very next day.

If you are finding it difficult or costly to grow and maintain your lawn, check out NoMow Turf and give them a call.